A “Hard Refresh” can help with lots of problems on lots of sites. What it does is forces the browser to draw information directly from the server, not from the devices’ memory. Devices ( Phones, Computers, Tablets etc) are lazy. To save time on load, devices remember “cookies” to help load faster, it is designed to help, but can sometimes be a problem when making changes to websites. Especially websites that you frequent regularly (eg a site we are making changes on).
Different browsers and computers handle this operation differently.
You can use one of the following options to perform a hard refresh on the Windows/Linux Operating System
1. Hold down Ctrl and click the Reload button.
2. Hold down Ctrl and click F5.
3. Hold down Ctrl + Shift and click R.
4. Open Chrome dev tools by clicking F12 and right-click Reload button.
In Chrome the reload button is in the top left corner as below:
Mozilla Firefox
1. Hold down CTRL + Click Reload button.
2. Hold down Ctrl and click F5.
3. Hold down Ctrl + Shift and click R.
The reload button is in the top left corner as below:
Internet Explorer or Edge
If you use Internet Explorer/Edge, these alternatives should be suitable for you.
1. Hold down CTRL + Click Reload button.
2. Hold down Ctrl and click F5.
3. Hold down Ctrl and click the Reload button.
The reload button is in the top left corner as below:
The following solutions can be used for MacOS:
1. Hold Shift and click the Reload button as below
2. Hold down Command and Shift. Then, press R.
The reload button on the top right in Safari as below: